The reduction of energy consumption must often go through a phase of information. This can be done by conferences or training to citizens, employees or policymakers.
Therefore, based on its experience in various fields (energy audits, energy incentives, renewable energy, PEB standards, environmental management, contract to supplyelectricity and gas, ...), the multidisciplinary team of ibam has specialized in the transfer of knowledge. The courses and conferences offered by ibam, view themselves as interactiveas possible so that everyone can find answers to his questions.
We offer several flexible options to suit your needs:
The general public lectures on various topics:
Understand the different elements of a bill from electric and gas, insulation, heating,control of heating, ventilation, electricity, lighting, renewable energy, building energy performance, etc ...
The interactive training on:
The operation of the liberalized energy market, the mechanism of green certificates andoriginal warranty labels, green electricity, energy audit, heating, electricity, etc...
CES has conducted numerous training courses for the following organizations: Forem,CUNIC, CPAS