Energy audit
The building energy audits can be classified under different names according to theircontent. ibam offers amenities and experiences for the following audits.
Quick Scan Audit
Quick Scan Audit is a simplified kind of audit. It gives you a general view of the variousconsumption post. It is a strategic tool for decision makers through a prioritization ofwork/measures to be implemented.
Through its extensive experience in energy audits, ibam is able to verify the positions ofpotential energy savings post. This audit will be presented in ± 5 pages and will include the following:
- General description of the building;
- Classification of all your buildings by energy use, savings potential and feasibility of intervention;
- Analysis and recommendation on the envelope (walls, glazing, insulation, etc.).
- Analysis and recommendation on heating (as combustion control, insulation,emission control);
- Analysis and recommendations on the lighting (brightness measurements).
Not subsidized, this audit, however offers a quick alternative, efficient and less expensive than a traditional audit.
Full Energy Audit
This type of energy audit aims to establish an inventory of the energy consumption of a building or a production process, based on its characteristics, its uses and identification ofareas for improvement in energy efficiency and profitability.
The audit identifies the technical and economic characteristics of one or more investments in a given situation. Following this audit, a comprehensive action plan to improve energy efficiency and appropriateness of investment is made.
This type of audit is for the service sector, industrial or residential. If carried out in the Brussels capital region, the IBGE provides an incentive of 50% of the amount of the invoice.For the Walloon region see below.
Thematic Audit
The thematic audit aims to focus the study on a very specific technology/part of the building. The Thematic audit allows you to go further into the details of the technologychosen in agreement with with the owner. The audit can be performed on the followingtheme:
- The lighting system
- Heating systems
- Cooling systems
- Ventilation systems
- Envelope
Residential energy audit PAE (procédure d'avis énergétique) in Walloon Region
This type of energy audit consists of two phases. Initially, we will take a tour of the houseand search the information needed to thoroughly evaluate the essential elements of housing such as:
- Envelope;
- The heating system;
- The cooling system;
- The system for producing hot water;
- The ventilation.
The first part of the audit can, after encoding in the energy audit program approved by the Walloon Region, assign a quality energy (letter E to A +) for each element analyzed.
In a second step, we determine the most effective interventions to be undertaken to reducethe energy consumption of your home. Then, we propose methods of rehabilitation are most appropriate to your situation in order to reduce energy losses and expenses while increasing your comfort.
Walloon region grants this type of audit for 60% of the invoice amount plus depending on the type of building.
Energy audit AMURE-UREBA in Walloon Region
The purpose of this audit is to enable the business or public building to assess the appropriateness of an investment to make more efficient use of energy, using renewable energy, cogeneration to use or develop a plan overall improvement in energy efficiency of the company.
This audit is intended to:
- Businesses, Independent, Liberal Professions
- Communes, C.P.A.S., Provinces
- Education: schools only
- Non-profit organization, non-profit sector: for ASBL, only ASBL UREBA.